As China prepares for a crucial Communist party congress in the autumn, which is expected toformally mark Mr Xi’s second five-year term and reshuffle parts of the senior leadership, MrWang has become one of the central figures in the intense, behind-the-scenes machinations.By recent precedent, Mr Wang, who has passed the unofficial retirement age of 68, might beexpected to resign from the Politburo Standing Committee and fade into the background.Instead, there is a growing whispering campaign that he will be given an expanded economicpolicy role — perhaps, even, as premier, in place of Li Keqiang.
For many observers of the Chinese economy, such a promotion could help unlock Mr Xi’sstalled economic reforms, with Mr Wang the sort of tough enforcer and political infighter neededto take on the vested interests that have stifled previous efforts.
“It would send a huge shock through the system if the guy who has all the information oneveryone were suddenly put in charge of the economy,” says one person who has met MrWang.
Mr Wang’s career appears to be coming full circle as his anti-corruption inspectors havefocused their attention this year on China’s financial sector. As a result, Mr Wang’s agency ishaving a profound impact on macroeconomic policy, helping the party contain financial riskwhile redirecting capital flows away from speculative activities and back into the real economy.
In a closed-door session in the spring, one international delegation was surprised to see MrWang flanked by a large number of senior financial officials, according to three people briefedon the meeting. “I have previously focused only on [the anti-corruption campaign],” MrWang told his visitors, leaving the strong impression that he would be leading many morediscussions about Chinese economic and financial issues in coming years.
A historian by training, after the chaos of the Cultural Revolution Mr Wang worked in anantiquities museum in Shaanxi province. He is famous for his wit — an attribute lacking in manyof his senior party colleagues — and for being one of the best-read people at the top of theChinese government hierarchy. In public and private conversations, according to friends andcolleagues, it is not unusual for him to flit between subjects as diverse as Alexis deTocqueville’s famous study of the French Revolution and the latest theories in astronomy.
作為一名受過正規(guī)訓(xùn)練的史學(xué)工作者,文化大革命動(dòng)亂結(jié)束后,王岐山曾在陜西省博物館工作。他素以機(jī)智——許多黨內(nèi)高官同僚缺乏的特質(zhì)——聞名,而且還是中國(guó)政府高層中閱讀最廣泛的官員之一。據(jù)友人和同僚說,在公開和私下談話中,他經(jīng)常在各種不同的主題——從亞歷克斯?德?托克維爾(Alexis de Tocqueville)關(guān)于法國(guó)大革命的著作到最新的天文學(xué)理論——之間來回穿梭。
Mr Wang first emerged as an up-and-coming technocrat in the mid-1990s when he helpedlaunch China’s premier investment bank, China International Capital Corp, a joint venturebetween China Construction Bank and Morgan Stanley that the latter exited in 2004.
上世紀(jì)90年代中期,王岐山首先作為一名很有前途的技術(shù)官僚嶄露頭角,當(dāng)時(shí)他推動(dòng)中國(guó)建設(shè)銀行與摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)成立了中國(guó)最知名的合資投資銀行——中國(guó)國(guó)際金融有限公司(China InternationalCapital Corp)。摩根士丹利后于2010年退出。
In 1999 Mr Wang oversaw China’s biggest-ever bankruptcy after Guangdong InternationalTrust and Investment Corp, a state-owned investment group, collapsed with debts of $5bn. Inthe first decade of this century, he was deeply involved in the restructuring of China’s state-owned banking sector.
It was Mr Wang’s work on the Gitic bankruptcy that sealed his reputation as China’s bestjiuhuo duizhang, or “fire brigade chief”. And when the Sars virus broke out in Beijing in 2003,Mr Wang was installed as mayor, where he defused the public health crisis and oversawpreparations for the 2008 Summer Olympics. As one senior government official puts it: “Everything Wang Qishan touches turns to gold.”
This widely regarded Midas touch is one of the reasons why a “Wang-for-premier” campaignhas been brewing in Beijing over the past year. Past procedure would suggest that Mr Li will beconfirmed in the autumn for another five-year term as premier, while Mr Wang retires.
However, in October an official publicly dismissed the supposed retirement age limit as “purefolklore” while a party journal quoted Mr Xi as saying that it “can’t simply draw the line based onage” when appointing officials.
Such comments have heightened speculation that Mr Li, whose authority over economicmatters has been eroded by Mr Xi, could be sidelined to head China’s rubber-stampparliament. That would open the way for Mr Wang to ascend to the premiership.
Another option would be for Mr Li to remain as premier while keeping Mr Wang on the PSC,possibly with an economic and financial portfolio. “Xi and Li have buried the hatchet,” says onewell-connected Asian diplomat who believes that Mr Li will keep his job.
Neither potential outcome, however, is preordained. Such pre-congress machinations aresubject to change until the last moment. Mr Wang’s fate will not be confirmed until Mr Xi andhis second-term leadership team walk out on stage at the conclusion of the party congress.As one former member of the Communist party’s Central Committee recently told a group offriends, according to two people familiar with the exchange, “we don’t know who the nextpremier is going to be”.
Mr Wang has also made many enemies, especially in his five years as the head of the anti-corruption campaign, increasing the a risk he could fall foul of the party’s fierce internalpoliticking. Earlier this year Guo Wengui, a previously obscure Chinese billionaire living in NewYork, issued spectacular accusations against Mr Wang and members of his family on Twitterand YouTube. Many of them centre on alleged connections between the Wang family and theHNA Group, whose opaque ownership structure has attracted scrutiny from overseasregulators. HNA has vigorously denied Mr Guo’s accusations, none of which has beensubstantiated. But some China watchers started to count the number of days that Mr Wangfailed to appear in state media as a potential sign of a falling out with Mr Xi.
王岐山也樹敵頗多,尤其是在他主抓反腐運(yùn)動(dòng)的五年間,這加大了他陷入黨內(nèi)激烈政治斗爭(zhēng)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。今年早些時(shí)候,現(xiàn)居紐約的一位此前鮮為人知的中國(guó)億萬富翁郭文貴,在Twitter和YouTube上對(duì)王岐山及其家人發(fā)出了聳人聽聞的指控。多數(shù)指控都圍繞王岐山家族與海航集團(tuán)(HNA Group)的所謂關(guān)聯(lián)。海航不透明的所有權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)已引起了海外監(jiān)管機(jī)構(gòu)的密切關(guān)注。海航斷然否認(rèn)了郭文貴的指控,且這些指控沒有一項(xiàng)得到證實(shí)。但一些中國(guó)觀察人士已經(jīng)開始計(jì)算王岐山在官媒上“消失”的天數(shù),作為他與習(xí)失和的一個(gè)潛在跡象。
Both men are so-called “princelings” related to Chinese Communist party revolutionaries. Mr Xiwas born to one while Mr Wang married the daughter of another. According to Chinese mediareports, they have known each other at least since the Cultural Revolution when both men were“sent-down youth” in Shaanxi province and Mr Wang loaned his future boss an economicstextbook. But so far every rumour of Mr Wang’s political demise, often attributed to Mr Xi’spotential wariness of him as a rival, has been shown to be exaggerated.
Mr Wang’s frequent absences from public view are usually signs that someone else — and nothim — is in jeopardy. It was shortly after Mr Wang reappeared from his most recent absenceearlier this month that the party’s anti-corruption body detained a sitting member of Mr Xi’spolitburo for the first time, according to two people familiar with the matter. Under investigationfor a “serious violation of discipline”,
Sun Zhengcai, the party secretary of Chongqing, one of China’s largest cities, had beenconsidered a successor to Mr Xi.
Meanwhile Mr Wang’s sweep through Chinese financial circles shows no sign of slowing. It beganearlier this year with the detention of financiers and private sector tycoons such as Xiao Jianhua
, one of the country’s richest men with a fortune estimated at Rmb40bn ($5.9bn). Chineseinvestigators wanted to question Mr Xiao about allegations of using banks and other listedcompanies under his control to drive up the share prices of various financial assets.
“Xiao Jianhua was a cancer,” says one Chinese official familiar with the financial sectorinvestigations. “He did nothing for the real economy. He made a lot of people and himself verywealthy but was doing a disservice to the country.”
The larger economic policy goal behind Mr Wang’s investigations, the official explains, is to “stopusing the financial system as an economic growth lever”. “If we do that,” he adds, “a lot ofother problems will disappear, such as speculative asset bubbles”.