US President Donald Trump embraced legislationthat would reduce the number of people eligible forfamily visas and cut overall immigration by 50%within 10 years.
The Reforming American Immigration for StrongEmployment (RAISE) Act would give preference toEnglish speakers, educated immigrants, and high-wage earners by unveiling a "merit-based" system.
The overwhelming majority of Asian immigrants come to the US through the family-basedsystem and those who come to the country on employment-based visas often rely on thefamily-based system to reunite with other family members, according to a report by TheHuffington Post.

However the bill would cut family-based immigrant visas to 88,000 each year - compare that tothe 673,000 people who received green cards through the family-based system during the 2015fiscal year alone.
According to figures from the Department of Homeland Security, over one million immigrantswere accepted into the United States for legal permanent residency last year; many are low orunskilled workers or working in low-skilled jobs.
More than 50 percent of all immigrant households receive welfare benefits, compared with only30 percent of native households in the United States that receive welfare benefits, according tothe White House.