More people in the US have favorable views of China, according to the latest survey by the Pew Research Center.
The survey released last Tuesday finds that 44% of Americans have a favorable opinion of China, up from 37% a year ago.
It describes the growth in positive ratings for China as partly due to declining concerns about economic threats from China.
More people in the US have favorable views ofChina, according to the latest survey by the PewResearch Center.
The survey released last Tuesday finds that 44% ofAmericans have a favorable opinion of China, upfrom 37% a year ago.
It describes the growth in positive ratings for Chinaas partly due to declining concerns about economic threats from China.
The survey shows that Democrats and young Americans have more favorable views towardsChina.
The favorable rating of China among Republicans, who generally hold more negative attitudestoward China, has also improved to 39% compared with 27% a year ago.
The Pew survey was basically in line with a Gallup poll released in February, which showed thathalf of Americans now view China favorably.