生命中的四個老婆 西安翻譯 譯中翻譯 西安朗頓翻譯公司 |
There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives。從前,一位富有的商人娶了四個老婆。 He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies。 他最愛他的小老婆,給她最華麗的衣裳和美味佳肴。 He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best。 他對她體貼入微、呵護(hù)備至,把最好的東西都給了她。 He also loved the 3rd wife very much。 He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends。 商人也很愛第三位老婆。他為她感到驕傲,并常把她作為在朋友面前炫耀的資本。 However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men。 但他同時也十分害怕,怕她與其他男人跑了。 He too, loved his 2nd wife。 She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante。 當(dāng)然,商人也愛二老婆,她既善解人意又溫柔耐心。事實(shí)上,她是商人的紅顏知己。 Whenever the merchant faced some problems, 每每遇到困難, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times。 他就會找她,而她也總能幫助他走出困境,度過難關(guān)。 Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner 至于大老婆,她是一位忠誠的伴侶, and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household。 替他照料生意、打理家務(wù),忙里忙外,可謂勞苦功高。 However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her。 然而,盡管她愛他愛得那么深,商人卻偏不鐘情于她,甚至沒把她放在心上。 One day, the merchant fell ill。 Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon。 一日,商人得了重病,他自知將不久于人世。 He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4 wives with me。 當(dāng)他回顧自己奢華的一生時,不禁心中悵然:"現(xiàn)在我雖然有四個老婆相伴, But when I die, I'll be alone。 How lonely I'll be!" 但死后卻要孤零零一人,多寂寞啊!" Thus, he asked the 4th wife, 于是,他問小老婆: "I loved you most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showed great care over you。 "我最疼你,給你買最漂亮的衣服,還對你呵護(hù)備至。 Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" 現(xiàn)在我就要離開這個世界了,你愿意隨我而去,與我相伴嗎?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word。 "絕不可能!"她丟下一句話,徑自走開了。 The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart。 小老婆的回答如一把尖刀插在商人的心上。 The sad merchant then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you so much for all my life。 傷心的商人繼而問三老婆:"我一直對你寵愛有加。 Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No!" replied the 3rd wife。 如今,我將不久于人世,你愿意隨我而去,與我相伴嗎?""不!"她拒絕道, "Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you die!" The merchant's heart sank and turned cold。 "人間的生活多么美好啊!你死后我會改嫁他人!"商人的心倏地下沉,漸漸變冷。 He then asked the 2nd wife, "I always turned to you for help and you've always helped me out。 他再轉(zhuǎn)向二老婆,問道:"我過去常常求助于你,你也總能為我排憂解難。 Now I need your help again。 When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?" 現(xiàn)在我想再請你幫一次忙。我死后,你愿意隨我而去,與我相伴嗎?" "I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" "很抱歉,這一次我?guī)筒涣四懔耍?她說, "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave。" "我最多只能讓你入土為安。" The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated。 這句話猶如晴天霹靂,商人徹底絕望了。 Then a voice called out: "I'll leave with you。 I'll follow you no matter where you go。" 這時,旁邊傳來一個聲音:"我愿意隨你一同離去。無論你到哪里,我都會跟著你。" The merchant looked up and there was his first wife。 She was so skinny, almost as she suffered from malnutrition。 商人抬起頭,看到了自己的大老婆。她是那么消瘦,一副營養(yǎng)不良的樣子。 Greatly grieved, the merchant said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!" 商人悲痛萬分,他說:"我過去就應(yīng)該好好地珍惜你啊!" Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives。 其實(shí),我們每個人的一生都有四位愛人相伴。 The 4th wife is our body。 小老婆代表我們的軀體。 No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die。 無論我們花費(fèi)多少時間和精力想去裝扮她,我們死后它終會棄我們而去。 Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth。 When we die, they all go to others。 第三位老婆代表財產(chǎn)、地位與金錢。一旦我們?nèi)鍪治魅,它終究會轉(zhuǎn)向他人。 The 2nd wife is our family and friends。 二老婆則代表了我們的家人與朋友。 No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave。 我們活著的時候,無論他們與我們多么親近,他們最多也只能到墓前送我們最后一程。 The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure。 至于大老婆,她則是我們的靈魂。當(dāng)我們沉迷于追求物質(zhì)、金錢或感官享受的時候,她常常會被遺忘在一旁。 Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go。 結(jié)果呢?她才是唯一與我們永遠(yuǎn)相伴的。 Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament。 也許從現(xiàn)在開始,我們就應(yīng)該悉心照顧好她,而不是等到臨終之際才悔恨不已。 |